Comments on: Supes pass housing measure, duck state blowback Local news for a global city Fri, 08 Dec 2023 00:17:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel Thu, 07 Dec 2023 14:16:23 +0000

In reply to DK.

@DK. Meh, there’s plenty of blame to go around. As things stand, except for family housing, there’s no need to add to the glut of places open for rent and sale. See, the funny money that’s been squeezing everyday people has left town. You might as well wave your arms at the fed’s quantitative easing and low interest rates of years past. The Chinese for the pandemic. The cartels for new meth and fent.

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By: DK Wed, 06 Dec 2023 19:25:28 +0000

In reply to h. brown.

So Lake Merced and its residents should just host this caravan (god knows where the effluent is dumped) indefinitely? The street is not intended for this, plus there’s a bike and ped safety project that’s supposed to go in. These are all effects of not building enough – blame homeowners for sabotaging this for decades if you want to blame someone.

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By: marcos Wed, 06 Dec 2023 17:04:52 +0000

“Race & Equity in all Planning Coalition, San Francisco”

Who gets to choose the name of the throw away coalitions that the usual suspect city funded nonprofits cobble together to provide the illusion of popular support for their objections to market rate developers?

“supervisors temporarily whittled down San Francisco’s affordable housing fee”

This is what happens when your extortion operation runs out of leverage.

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By: h. brown Wed, 06 Dec 2023 03:08:42 +0000

I really like Supervisor Melgar,

It truly made me sad to see her push to force out the caravan of Gypsie like residents who have lived in motor homes in her district for Christmas and given them no place to go.

It made me even sadder to see Supervisor Ronen destroy Christmas for a couple of hundred legal Vendors and their families.

Somehow, these events fit in with today’s hearing on 1.2 million Palestinians being forced out of their homes which are then bombed.

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