Comments on: In ‘toxic’ political moment, SFUSD delays $1B school bond measure Local news for a global city Sat, 25 Nov 2023 16:46:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: marcos Sat, 25 Nov 2023 16:46:21 +0000

This is basically an argument for disengaging the childless supermajority from endless nasty SFUSD melodrama and restricting SFUSD governance and funding to only those with skin in the game.

The conduct of most all involved with SFUSD politics practically disqualifies them from playing any role in a healthy educational system.

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By: Lana Sat, 25 Nov 2023 14:03:32 +0000

Is that to pay the horrific company they hired for more payroll errors?

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By: chav65 Sat, 25 Nov 2023 00:50:16 +0000

“I see no reason to give a billion dollars to an educational system that is so dedicated to anti-intellectualism as the remedy for racial inequity.” Those are my sentiments exactly.

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By: h. brown Fri, 24 Nov 2023 21:18:49 +0000


We don’t get any bang for our buck.

We need a Mayor who isn’t just another member of the Royal ‘Brown/Burton Machine’ organization or, as they call themselves … ‘City Family’.

We need an elected Police Chief and a Homeless Intake process that begins on half of the City’s Harding Golf Course which is now controlled by the Saudi Prince who collects his enermies body parts (he bought the PGA which has Harding locked up) .

A Million Dollar SF Trash Lottery trading tickets one for an hour’s work.

That cleared the streets and we have a hundred acres of TI and 112 schools to house our Homeless.

Like you say, the money’s there.

And, as I say, so are the parts to fix all of our problems.

How about a Pollution Free Venturi Tidal Power Plant wrapped around one leg of the Golden Gate Bridge and Gonzo did the Committee study 20 years ago which brings me to my point:

20 year Reunion of Gonzalez Tribe from 2003 Election
111 Minna
8pm til next day
December 9th

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By: h. brown Fri, 24 Nov 2023 21:14:49 +0000



We don’t get any bang for our buck.

We need a Mayor who isn’t just another member of the Royal ‘Brown/Burton Machine’ organization or, as they call themselves … ‘City Family’.

We need an elected Police Chief and a Homeless Intake process that begins on half of the City’s Harding Golf Course which is now controlled by the Saudi Prince who collects his enermies body parts (he bought the PGA which has Harding locked up) .

A Million Dollar SF Trash Lottery trading tickets one for an hour’s work.

That cleared the streets and we have a hundred acres of TI and 112 schools to house our Homeless.

Like you say, the money’s there.

And, as I say, so are the parts to fix all of our problems.

How about a Pollution Free Venturi Tidal Power Plant wrapped around one leg of the Golden Gate Bridge and Gonzo did the Committee study 20 years ago which brings me to my point:

20 year Reunion of Gonzalez Tribe from 2003 Election
111 Minna
8pm til next day
December 9th

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By: Joseph Fri, 24 Nov 2023 04:19:55 +0000

Consolidation of schools should not be off the table.
If there is a need for $1 Billion, then detail exactly how it is to be distributed via projects.

If the schools are focused on Academics, Science, Math, Intuitive Thinking then there should be general support, just avoid Woke Insane Agendas.

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By: Daniel Thu, 23 Nov 2023 15:24:34 +0000

People (voters) will feel the pinch next year. PG&E rate hikes, SDI increases will have a noticeable effect that will moderate everybody’s appetite for throwing more money into the hopper, be it March or November.

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By: MTN Thu, 23 Nov 2023 14:57:01 +0000

“Jaye noted that the main advantage is that more progressive young voters, who are more likely to be renters, would come out in November in support of a school bond funded via property taxes. ”

It was my understanding that some or all of an increase in property tax due to a bond measure can be passed onto tenants as a valid additional rent increase under the rent ordinance.

Otherwise it would be dishonest to have 2/3 of the electorate vote on an issue that they would not be paying for.

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By: raymullensf Thu, 23 Nov 2023 02:09:16 +0000

No way. SFUSD has wasted money, is top Admin heavy and punishes hard working students by using ‘restorative justice’ to keep troublemakers in the classroom out all costs.

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By: Glen Parker Wed, 22 Nov 2023 17:43:59 +0000

In reply to Drew.

How exactly are the administrative staff failing? Are you aware that a huge number of teachers in the district are assigned to central office, not a school site?

The fact remains that especially at the elementary level, there are far too many teachers per student in the aggregate. The math simply will not work out, no matter how much Supervisor Walton blusters, until they consolidate or close schools.

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By: FLL Wed, 22 Nov 2023 04:43:01 +0000

First there was the effort to paint over artistically and historically significant murals at Washington High.

Then there was neglect of kids stuck with remote learning due to the obsession with school names because their committee decided people like Abraham Lincoln (seriously, Abraham Lincoln) weren’t sufficiently anti-slavery.

Then getting into Lowell became a lotto prize instead of a reward for hard work and excellence.

And now, no algebra.

I see no reason to give a billion dollars to an educational system that is so dedicated to anti-intellectualism as the remedy for racial inequity.

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By: CARLOS SPINOZA Tue, 21 Nov 2023 23:29:18 +0000

In reply to Mike.

The big picture of the forest including the trees:
Budget: $14.6 Billion
Population (2022 – U.S. Census): 808,437
“The money is running out.”
Seriously …
I posit the theory that San Francisco as a municipal entity (city and county), based on the ratio of budget vs. population, is the wealthiest such entity in the history of humankind.
And still would be if the budget was cut by a billion or two.

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By: Mike Tue, 21 Nov 2023 22:16:00 +0000

Tax receipts are way down and deficits are growing. The money is running out. I hate to say it but things are about to get very bad for the city budget and all city funded agencies. Very difficult decisions will need to be made.

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By: Drew Tue, 21 Nov 2023 20:16:42 +0000

It is sad to say, but there are many accountability issues remaining to be solved with SF-USD, particularly with the payroll and facilities maintenance fiascoes. First and foremost, if SFUSD would please reduce their underperforming/failing administrative staff and replace those headcounts with actual teachers, secondly allow equal teacher representation on the Board of Education (elected via all FTE teachers or the teacher’s union directly, perhaps), should voters consider throwing more good money after bad. The administration needs to shape up, because our teachers and students deserve better.

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