Comments on: SFUSD teachers’ stipend checks are bouncing Local news for a global city Mon, 20 Nov 2023 23:52:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cynthia Mon, 20 Nov 2023 23:52:21 +0000

In reply to mike mcadoo.

It’s impressive how Mike manages to go from an incompetent bureaucracy to “blame the wokes.”

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By: A. Pacheco Sat, 18 Nov 2023 23:35:55 +0000

In reply to Greeny.

Don’t forget your friendly neighborhood social workers as another TOP PRIORITY.

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By: mike mcadoo Fri, 17 Nov 2023 18:14:58 +0000

The idiocy of any SF City department is wide spread. The SFUSD board
is on par with the DPW, Building Inspections, et al. Keep in mind that
the aforementioned SFUSD Board was infatuated with changing the
names of almost 4 dozen schools. The prior President of the School Board
was a teacher within one of the schools. And, another member was
complaining that the high academic achievement Asian-American
students ” were going white”, an insult. She was upset that her own
daughter did not qualify for admission to Lowell High School, which
is the Crown Jewel of the school system. The ouster of those two
aforementioned, along with one other WOKE SFUSD board member,
is just the beginning. In the interim, this payroll fiasco is a valid
reason for vouchers, so that the parents of the ever declining
SFUSD system will not victimize their children with WOKE policies.

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By: Owen Baker-Flynn Fri, 17 Nov 2023 17:14:30 +0000

In reply to HR Professional.

They have filed a lawsuit. I don’t know where it stands now.

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By: Ricardo P. Fri, 17 Nov 2023 15:01:04 +0000

Remember this when SFUSD is going to ask for billions in bond money next year: the district can’t handle it’s own finances, let alone others’.

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By: Owen Baker-Flynn Fri, 17 Nov 2023 12:40:34 +0000

EmpowerSF is a criminal enterprise disguised as a payroll company, but SFUSD is working hard to make sure teachers get paid? That might be the funniest thing I’ll read today.

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By: Greeny Fri, 17 Nov 2023 08:16:43 +0000

Hmmmmm. If the city of San Francisco can pay its police officers and fire fighters reliably, consistently and on time, why not our teachers? Good Heavens. I don’t have children yet i know with every part of my brain that teachers and nurses are (and should be) OUR TOP PRIORITY.

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By: HR Professional Fri, 17 Nov 2023 04:08:58 +0000

Shameful! I heard about these issues from summer onwards via a SFUSD educator. I was astonished that their Administration staff can’t get the paychecks correct, in addition to the retroactive penalties that they are owed for each day missed. Compensation is also impacted for their vacation & sick accruals, FSA, and retirement benefits, as well as other insurance plans. Blaming or scapegoating the EMpower system, or its “gliche” is totally unacceptable and evading the truth of the root cause; managing the HRIS and Payroll systems is ultimately under the accountabilities of HR and Finance. Why haven’t the teachers and non-teaching staff united to get a legal class action suit initiated and file with DIR so that they finally receive these very late payments? Fear of retaliation for the Administration’s incompetence? Where is their Union in taking steps to resolve all this mess? I feel sorry for these folks working hard on behalf of education, yet not receiving overdue compensation.

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By: Long time SF Resident Thu, 16 Nov 2023 22:46:04 +0000

I fail to understand how small businesses can manage to get payroll directly deposited into their employees bank accounts but our school district cannot even send a good check!

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