On April 21, the Redistricting Task Force will reconvene to have another go at creating a finalized map that all task force members can live with.

In its last meeting, the task force decided that it was going to begin work next week using what has been nicknamed the “blow-up map,” so named because member J. Michelle Pierce said she was going to blow up the previous configuration of districts before creating it.

Take a look at how the map compares in demographics, particularly race and income, to our current district boundaries and to the draft that was rejected this week.

The “blow-up map”

Data from the Redistricting Task Force.

The “blow-up map” and income

Data from the Redistricting Task Force and from the 2020 American Community Survey.

The “blow-up map” and race

Data from the Redistricting Task Force and from the 2020 American Community Survey.

Catch up on the redistricting chaos

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DATA REPORTER. Will was born in the UK and studied English at Oxford University. After a few years in publishing, he absconded to the USA where he studied data journalism in New York. Will has strong views on healthcare, the environment, and the Oxford comma.

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1 Comment

  1. Seems like The Establishment is really concerned that uniting the south eastern Asian enclave into one district or another will upset the agenda.
    Can’t have them “white adjacent” folks throwing a monkey wrench into the gizmo.

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