Welcome back to our “Meet the candidates” series, in which District 9 supervisorial hopefuls respond to a question in 100 words or fewer.
The question for week five: Do you support the vending ban on Mission Street?

Julian Bermudez
No, I do not support it. I’ve walked around the area since the ban at different times of the day. It’s easy to see all that was done was to prevent illegal vendors from selling in the day. Yes, it’s cleaner and there’s visible enforcement. But when will the permitted vendors return?
I want to push making 24th and 16th BART locations part-farmers market, part-community center. Creating a symbiotic relationship between the community and vendors. The event brings in foot traffic, hence vendors are able to sell more.

h brown
I am opposed to a vending ban on Mission Street.
I would lift the ban and add Police Kobans at the BART stops manned 24/7/365.
The street needs energy, not oppression.
And I’d add live music and poetry also.

Trevor Chandler
The illegal vending ban has shown a tangible improvement in the quality of life for Mission residents and small businesses; efforts to support and improve conditions for legal vendors should continue as this program is extended.
That it took so long for City Hall to respond shows the disconnect between District 9 residents and our elected leaders. We should engage in positive and proactive responses to our problems, not wait until they get out of control to address them. That’s why I’ve also put out a plan to reinvigorate our 16th and 24th Street BART Plazas at www.trevor4sf.com.

Jackie Fielder
It’s vital that we think beyond a ban on street vendors towards a solution that gives us safe, clean and accessible BART plazas, while ensuring that the economic well-being of legitimate street vendors is secured.
I will make it a priority to create a pathway for street vendors from being on the street to being small-business owners. And I will convene a community process for transforming the BART Plazas from the drab, gray, transitory spaces for people coming and going that they are today, into lively, activated, and welcoming town centers for longtime Mission vendors, tourists and community members.

Jaime Gutierrez
There are concerns with vending on Mission Street that involve the best use of public space.
The first issue is trash. Street vending generates trash that is not managed by street vendors.
Another issue is the space for presentation. Some people do not want to be required to step over or go around a vendor.
Considering these issues, I support the ban on Mission street. However, if Mission Street vending were moved to Osage and Lilac Alleys, with the DPW cleaning the trash daily, along with ambassadors and police oversight, I would support lifting the ban on Mission Street vending.

Roberto Hernandez
I’ve spent decades working with District 9 small businesses and street vendors to get the support they need from City Hall.
Street vending works if the right resources are in place, as we see in Latin America and countries around the world. Permitted vendors selling their wares make the Mission bright and vibrant, but unlicensed sales are clearly a problem. Proper vendor permitting and monitoring is essential to a long-term solution.
As Supervisor, I’ll meet with vendors, small businesses, residents and neighbors to evaluate the effectiveness of approaches initiated to date to develop and implement a community-based street vending plan.

Michael Petrelis
What I support is limited vending on Mission Street at the 16th and 24th Street BART Plazas, because they add vibrancy, while also opposing street merchants congesting near bus shelters, making it difficult to board or off-load the buses.
Consideration of retail stores, bars and restaurants on Mission Street and their business needs must be integral to a workable plan for sidewalk and plaza vending.
I want more vendors in many of the empty storefronts and to attract customers. Let’s have musicians, comedians and magicians perform inside, with a tip jar prominently displayed so they can collect money.

Stephen Torres
I understand this has been a very difficult situation for our vendors, neighbors and community leaders. And I appreciate that Supervisor Hillary Ronen has had to overcome major challenges in attempting to resolve it.
I do worry, however, about the ongoing impacts of this ban on our community vendors, who are already struggling to keep afloat. We cannot dismiss the impact this has had on their livelihood and cultural importance. I believe we need to create sanctioned tianguis at the plazas and other public spaces, while maintaining safe and clear access to businesses and transportation.
Note: Nine candidates have officially declared their candidacy for the District 9 race. However, Rafael Gutierrez told Mission Local that he is withdrawing from the race, so he is not included in these questions.
Candidates are ordered alphabetically. Answers may be lightly edited for formatting, spelling, and grammar. If you have questions for the candidates, please let us know at will@missionlocal.com.
Read the rest of the series here. Illustrations for the series by Neil Ballard.
You can register to vote via the sf.gov website.
Wait, when did H Brown become a legitimate candidate? He’s basically just a keyboard warrior/comedian.
You’re too kind.
I have always had short periods of clarity.
My blog/file cabinet records the good and bad.
Katie Porter for U.S. Senate !!
A lot of hedging here. I’d like to see a bit more clarity, one way or the other. The ban has improved Mission Street – the sidewalk can be used as a sidewalk. The street vendors weren’t there a few years ago, we’re just returning the use of the sidewalk to what it always was. Just because a few people decided during the pandemic that, “hey, I’m gonna start selling toiletries on the street” doesn’t mean it’s some time-honored Mission tradition that has to be protected.
There is certainly a lot of word salad in these responses. It is wild how scared some of them are to acknowledge a good thing when it happens.
I shed no tears for any street “vendor” whose bottom line was tied to the underground economy of theft, vandalism, and retail crime.
However, I do sympathize with the legitimate vendors and small businesses who did the hard work, got the permits, and suffered because of the criminals. There should be a regulated and SAFE market where those folks can sell their goods, while keeping out the criminals.
Read your post to yourself again.
What’s missing that makes all else work ?
The COPS !!!
Return the Feinstein Police Kobans to the BART stations 24/365/7 !!
Willie took them out in exchange for SFPOA’s endorsement.
This is a department ‘run’ by a nice guy who is a Figurehead yanked between the Mayor who appointed him and the SFPOA who create the DGO’s (Department General Orders) that dictate what you do if …
We need an independent elected Chief with a backbone of steel and a broom.
When Boudin was elected DA the Union told its officer to stop arresting people to make him look bad and the officers stopped arresting people to make Chesa look bad.
An elected Chief could have suspended w/out pay any officer who failed to Serve and Protect.
Mi nombre es milagros Lopez
Y agradezco mucho a cada uno de la mayoría de los candidatos de apoyar a los vendedores ambulantes
Yo soy una de los vendedoras suspendidas
He tenido 10 años vendiendo joyeria entre las calles mission st y 24th st
Este plan piloto como lo nombro inicialmente la actual supervisora la sra Ronen definitivamente no le ha funcionado
Porque la informalidad y la venta ilegal con productos de venta de dudosa procedencia continúa existiendo en el barrio de la mission
Tanto de día como de noche ,tengo muchas fotografías como prueba de lo que afirmo
Esperemos que el próximo candidato o candidata del Distrito 9 sea más consciente , humano y nos devuelvan nuestros trabajos ya que muchas familias nos hemos quedado en la incertidumbre ,sin estabilidad laboral , nos han pisoteados nuestros derechos y nos han maltratado tanto emocionalmente como económicamente
Eso no es justo !!
Nosotros los vendedores legales y autorizados cabe recalcar no somos el problema del desorden y el peligro
Nosotros somos personas descentes,trabajadores ,honrados y solo deseamos continuar trabajando
None of the candidates mention the ongoing prostitution in the Mission District, which has become uncontrollable. The drug activities are out of control. We need programs to learn how to achieve in getting a business grant.
I would move to defy the Federal, State and even Local government and Decriminalize the Sex Trade in San Francisco much as we defied the nation and much of the World when we legalized Gay Marriage.
Do you think that after 5,000 years of recorded history that Prostitution is going to go away ?
Our problem is the violence and disease and addiction and extortion prevalent in the Trade BECAUSE it is illegal.
Yes, I’d fill a couple of dozen of those empty storefronts on Mission Street with Brothels.
Still gonna vote for me ?
H Brown
It’s quite amusing how folks believe that the world’s oldest profession will vanish if they get tougher and arrest more prostitutes I bet that’s been tried already, 🙄
But not decriminalized, legalized
Decriminalized drugs predictably made everything worse. Why?
Because organized crime was left to supply the drugs. Same street drugs same problems, even worse since now demand has increased, so criminals get richer and more people OD. legalize the supply of pharmaceutical drugs like the Swiss did 20 yrs ago. Addict goes to the clinic 2 or 3 times a day to get a fix,no drugs leave the clinic so no fentanyl tent cities and maybe even fewer prostitutes too since I hear many of them do it to feed their habit
Btw the Swiss cost to supply a $200 /day Street heroin habit?
$10 . Heroin dealers couldn’t compete so went out of business
I’ve been here for 44 years and there have always been permits to sing and dance and play music and juggle and sell flowers and incense and art.
Banning these practices only on Mission Street is Racist.
What do you feel about my idea of granting Permits and Licenses to Sex Workers ?
That clear enuff for you there, cowboy ?
I hereby challenge candidate Chandler to a series of one on one debates at each of the BART stations and a finale at Jerry Garcia with bands !!
We can talk about our experiences as Public School Teachers.
Or, our military service.
Years as a firefighter ?
Years we’ve been blacklisted by AIPAC ?
Or, we can talk about the Lauter family and the Genocide in Gaza !!!!!
I’m at: