I am a native San Franciscan. Since becoming a photographer I’ve found The City always ready for her close-up, blemishes and all. I love doing shots here— can’t let tourists have all the fun.
More by Walter MackinsWhat’s the missing letter for $500?
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I’m pretty sure it was supposed to be a “Y.” Although when I suggested this to my 10-year-old nephew, he countered with a different letter.
After consulting with my sea shell “Pravda”, the answer is as clear. The letters “St” were ripped away from “uck”, i.e., the word was “Stuck”. AND, on the following line, the word “on” was ripped from its place preceding “Valentines”. The entire phrase, restored, is: Stuck on Valentines Day. Side note: the apostrophy is missing from the word “Valentines” because that is a message authenticator for the advance team from Planet Mongo.
Go Leafs! 🙂
F is the missing letter.
Haha! FTW! Happy New Year, lunar and otherwise.
You forgot “W” for “wuck”, The pluperfect subjunctive of “woke”?
“B”? “D”? “S”? Also, not a letter, but “Valentines” is missing the singular possessive apostrophe.