Comments on: Explore: $70M in SF law enforcement settlements Local news for a global city Mon, 12 Feb 2024 03:40:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: RL E Wed, 14 Jun 2023 01:18:27 +0000

Burris came up empty for Alex Nieto’s family, and secured a paltry $400k for Mario Woods’ family. The lawyer for the family of Amilcar Perez-Lopez was coming off a multi-million dollar wrongful death settlement in LA when he negotiated a meager $275k settlement on their behalf.

I couldn’t figure out how SF was avoiding a 7-digit payout time and time again. Laquan McDonald, Tamir Rice, and Freddie Gray all failed to move the needle in SF, but then came the George Floyd protests. That is one of the great accomplishments of the BLM movement. Time to pay up, suckas.

Great data assimilation and layout here. This Will Jarrett guy is worth his weight in gold.

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