A fire hydrant on a city street.
At UN Plaza. Photo by Robert B. Livingston

The San Francisco Fire Department reported Monday evening that, shortly after 5 p.m., a pickup truck from the Department of Public Works hit a hydrant at Civic Center, creating a blast of water that shot into the air.

An attempt to shut off the water main feeding the hydrant failed, and the water department “was called into assist in shutting the water off,” according to the fire department.

Robert Livingston was nearby and shot these photos.

  • A fire hydrant spraying water.
  • A truck driving down a street with a water hose coming out of it.
  • A fire hydrant is spraying water.
  • A fire hydrant is spraying water at a building.
  • A fire hydrant in the middle of a city street.
  • A group of police officers standing in front of a water fountain.
  • Three men standing on a wet street.

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Robert remembers cold windy days in the Mission when many of its trees
were little more than promising twigs in the ground!
Since, he fell in love with the opinionated poets, artists, and eccentrics
who enlivened the Cafe La Boheme.
He hopes that others will find some of his photos as surprising as they
are to him.
Like his hero, Chiang Yee, the author of The Silent Traveller in San
Francisco, Robert enjoys being an inconspicuous observer of the world as he discovers it.
Isn't our world interesting?

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  1. Perhaps they shouldn’t be allowed to drive on city sidewalks. They are lucky it wasn’t a person they ran into. Will you be doing any follow up regarding how the aftermath of something like this handled? What kind of disciplinary process/oversight/investigation might be involved with an incident like this? Should/will the driver face any kind of discipline?

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